Archive for category Java

How to configure JSF to get the browser Back button working

Lately, I had a problem with one of my JSF applications which is using RichFaces.
The problem was happening when the user was hitting the browser Back button. Well, you would say that it is a usual problem in web development. But still, because we cannot disable the browser Back button, the web application needs to work fine if the user decides to click on it!

Anyway, let’s get back on topic. As I said, the problem occurred if the user was clicking on the Back button but the funniest thing is it was happening when he was clicking twice on it! Why did it work fine when clicking once but not twice? 😮

The solution is quite simple actually.
It was coming from one of the options in MyFaces configuration: com.sun.faces.numberOfViewsInSession.
Here is a quick explanation of this option:

Specifies the number of views that are stored in the session when Server-Side State Saving is used. If set to true while client-side state saving is being used, reduces the number of bytes sent to the client by compressing the state before it is encoded and written as a hidden field. The default for this parameter is 15.

So basically, JSF is storing each page previously viewed by the user in session. And, as you can see from the description above, JSF will stored a maximum of 15 pages by default. However, it was set to 1 in my application, which means only ONE page would be stored…
This was obviously the reason why the application was working fine if the user was clicking only once on the Back button but not twice! 😀

For the same reason, you should also check the option org.apache.myfaces.NUMBER_OF_VIEWS_IN_SESSION which is default to 20:

Defines the number of the latest views that are stored in session. This option is only applicable if the state saving method is set to server. The default for this parameter is 20.

For more information about JSF options, please have a look at the following page:

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The message tags of MyFaces and RichFaces

Working on an application using MyFaces and RichFaces, I had no choice but understand what is the difference between the message tag provided by Myfaces (h:message) and the message tag overridden by RichFaces (rich:message).

These tags allow to display information about the first FacesMessage that is assigned to the component referenced by the “for” attribute. The difference is that the RichFaces tag has some extra functionalities such as Ajax rendering, error markers and predefined css class names.
Have a look at the following page for more details:

This is all nice and well but it is not the only difference. Indeed, the HTML code generated by both these frameworks will also be different!

First of all, let’s see how the tag <h:message styleClass="errormsg" for="element"/> will be transformed. If there is no message to display, nothing will be generated (which is a good behaviour). However, if a message is present, the tag will be replaced by the following HTML code:

<span class="errormsg">Required.</span>

So far, so good!

But now let’s check what code RichFaces is generating for the tag <rich:message styleClass="errormsg" for="element"/>.
The following is the code created if there is NO message to render:

<span class="rich-message errormsg" id="form:j_id255">
    <span class="rich-message-label"></span>

And here is the code which will replace the RichFaces tag if there is a message to display:

<span class="rich-message errormsg" id="form:j_id255">
    <span class="rich-message-label">Required.</span>

As you can see, the main difference is that RichFaces is wrapping the original span tag into another span tag. But, it is also generating some code even if there is no message to display! You would ask why is it doing that? The response is simple. The wrapper span element is necessary for RichFaces to Ajax-render the message tag if an error message has to be displayed for the targeting element.

So make sure you don’t put any padding or margin style in your custom CSS class which I called ‘errormsg’ in my example. Otherwise, you might have a gap when you were expecting nothing… (this happened to me) 😉

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How to personalise the URLs with Faces Navigation?

This is an important question if you want to have search engine friendly URLs on your website!
But unfortunately, the solution is not straightforward with JavaServer Faces (JSF). 🙁

First of all, for security reason JSF doesn’t allow you to use the GET method for your forms. I didn’t really understand why but this is very (too) restrictive!
Can you imagine Google doing the same thing? We would have the same URL for every search terms instead of something like
It wouldn’t be very easy to share a search page with a friend if Google was using the POST method. 😉

So the question is how to get around this JSF limitation?

Let’s take a look at how would look our faces-navigation.xml file for a search page:

    <redirect />

In this example, all the JSF elements calling the action searchBean.searchAction will be redirected to the search.xhtml page.
But, how are we going to get the search parameters into the URL?

Ideally, it would be great to be able to do something like the following:

    <redirect />

This solution would allow us to inject EL expressions into the URL before the page is redirected to the destination page.
In order to do this, we need to create our own view handler and register it to our application. 😎

The code below is the view handler class which also includes some comments:

package com.logikdev.gui.handler;

import javax.el.ExpressionFactory;
import javax.el.ValueExpression;
import javax.faces.application.ViewHandler;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

import com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler;

 * Overrides the Facelet view handler to support EL expressions in URLs.
 * @author Stéphane Moreau
public class DynamicViewHandler extends FaceletViewHandler {

	public DynamicViewHandler(ViewHandler parent) {
	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler#getActionURL(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.String)
	public String getActionURL(FacesContext context, String viewId) {
		String queryString = null;

		// Replace the EL expressions in the URL
		ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = context.getApplication().getExpressionFactory();
		ValueExpression valueExpression = expressionFactory.createValueExpression(context.getELContext(), viewId, String.class);
		String result = (String) valueExpression.getValue(context.getELContext());
		// Separate the query string from the URL
		int dotIndex = result.lastIndexOf('.');
		int questionMarkIndex = result.indexOf('?');
		if (questionMarkIndex != -1) {
			queryString = result.substring(questionMarkIndex, dotIndex);
			viewId = result.substring(0, questionMarkIndex) + result.substring(dotIndex);
		// Call the parent without the query string
		result = super.getActionURL(context, viewId);
		// Put back the query string at the end of the URL
		if (queryString != null) {
			result += queryString;
		return result;


And the following is the code to put in the faces-config.xml file in order to register the newly created view handler to the application:


One last thing!
This view handler also has a limitation which I wasn’t able to fix. 🙁 The file extension has to ALWAYS be placed at the end of the to-view-id URL! The view handler will then put it back before the question mark.
For example:

	<!-- The extension has to be at the end -->
	<redirect />

If you perform a search on ‘jsf’ with the above navigation rule, the user will be redirected to the page /search.xhtml?q=jsf.

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limitToList attribute prevents flashing

If you have some elements (or even the whole page) that flash/twinkle using RichFaces, it probably means that these elements are AJAX-rendering. The question is by whom and how to fix it?

A lot of tags in RichFaces can AJAX-render elements such as:

    <a4j:jsFunction name="updateName" reRender="showname">
        <a4j:actionparam name="param1" assignTo="#{}"  />                  

On the above example, the JavaScript function updateName will AJAX-render the element which has the ID showname.

In some cases, you would have some elements that would AJAX-render without asking them to do so!
I still didn’t figure it out why. 🙁 (if anybody has an idea, please don’t hesitate to tell me!)

But, I found a way to prevent this!
You simply can add the following attribute to your tag:


You even can add it to the tags that don’t have a reRender attribute.
For example:

    <a4j:poll id="poll" interval="1000" limitToList="true" />

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WritableFont doesn’t like to be static!

While using the tool JExcelAPI within my Java application to generate Excel spreadsheets, I got the following exception:

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5
	at jxl.biff.IndexMapping.getNewIndex(
	at jxl.biff.FormattingRecords.rationalize(
	at jxl.write.biff.WritableWorkbookImpl.rationalize(
	at jxl.write.biff.WritableWorkbookImpl.write(

It appears that this exception occurs only when you try to generate more than one Excel spreadsheet! How strange is that! 😯
After a bit of investigation, it seems that the problem comes from the use of the static modifier with a jxl.write.WritableFont variable.

I unfortunately don’t have the time to check the JExcelAPI code source to understand the root cause.
So my advice would be: “if you get EXACTLY the same stack trace, simply delete any static modifier you used with the WritableFont variables”. 🙂

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